Choosing Better Dental Care

The Secret to a Longer Life: Regular Dental Check-Ups in Old Age

People often associate regular dental check-ups with good oral health. However, did you know that keeping your teeth and gums healthy can also contribute to a longer life? According to recent studies, maintaining good oral health can help you live longer and healthier, especially in old age. This is because oral health is strongly linked with overall health, and poor oral health can lead to more serious health conditions as you age. 

Prevents Gum Disease and Tooth Loss

As you age, gum disease affects you and the risk of losing teeth increases. Gum disease occurs when the tissues surrounding and supporting your teeth become infected. This can cause tooth loss and serious health problems, like heart disease and stroke if you're not careful. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings help keep disease away by catching it early on before it progresses. Additionally, dental cleanings can remove tartar build-up, which contributes to gum disease and tooth loss.

Detects Oral Cancer Sooner

Oral cancer can be fatal if it's not caught early. However, it can be difficult to detect since it may not cause any pain or symptoms in its early stages. This is why regular dental check-ups are key in preventing and detecting oral cancer in its early stages. Dentists can perform oral cancer screenings during your check-up, which involves examining your mouth and throat for signs of cancer. Catching oral cancer early can significantly improve your chances of survival.

Reduces Risk of Heart Disease

As mentioned earlier, poor dental health can lead to more serious health conditions. One of these conditions is heart disease. This is because the inflammation gum disease causes spreads to other parts of the body and causes inflammation in the heart. By visiting the dentist often, you can minimize the risks of getting gum disease and, in turn, reduce your risk of heart disease.

Improves Overall Quality of Life

Maintaining good oral health is paramount for enhancing overall quality of life, particularly as one ages. This pivotal aspect allows for easier mastication and digestion, thus facilitating a wholesome diet. Additionally, healthy teeth and gums can boost your self-esteem, which can improve your mood and mental health. Regular dental check-ups can also catch issues such as bad breath, which can be embarrassing and negatively impact your social life.

Maintaining good oral health can contribute to a longer and healthier life, especially in old age. Remember, your oral health is strongly linked with your overall health, so it’s essential to take care of your teeth and gums. Don't wait until it's too late; book your next dental appointment today! 

For more info, contact a local dentist